@extends('layouts.default') @section('title', 'Dashboard') @section('content')
{{-- ALL --}}
{{ $all['total'] }}


{!! Form::select('type10', $types, 'all', ['id'=>'type10', 'class'=>'selectpicker', 'onchange'=>'modifyData(10)']) !!}
{{-- ENQUIRY --}}
{{ $enquiry['total'] }}


{!! Form::select('type11', $types, 'all', ['id'=>'type11', 'class'=>'selectpicker', 'onchange'=>'modifyData(11)']) !!}
{{-- PROSPECTS --}}
{{ $prospects['total'] }}


{!! Form::select('type12', $types, 'all', ['id'=>'type12', 'class'=>'selectpicker', 'onchange'=>'modifyData(12)']) !!}
{{-- IN TRAINING --}}
{{ $inTraining['total'] }}

In Training

{!! Form::select('type13', $types, 'all', ['id'=>'type13', 'class'=>'selectpicker', 'onchange'=>'modifyData(13)']) !!}
{{-- ON BENCH --}}
{{-- IN JOB --}}
{{ $inJob['total'] }}

In Job

{!! Form::select('type3', $types, 'all', ['id'=>'type3', 'class'=>'selectpicker', 'onchange'=>'modifyData(3)']) !!}
{{-- DROPPED --}}
{{ $dropped['total'] }}


{!! Form::select('type14', $types, 'all', ['id'=>'type14', 'class'=>'selectpicker', 'onchange'=>'modifyData(14)']) !!}
{{-- VISA TYPES --}}
{!! Form::select('visa_status', $visas + [''=>'All'], 'f1', ['id'=>'visa_status_1', 'class'=>'selectpicker']) !!}
{{-- Consultant Calls --}}

Latest Call Leads

@foreach($leads as $lead) @endforeach @if(count($leads) == 0) @else @endif
Call Me Date Student Email Phone Call Status Actions
{{ date(env('APP_DATE'), strtotime($lead->callback_date)) }} {{ $lead->consultant->name }} {{ $lead->consultant->email }} {{ $lead->consultant->mobile }} {{ strtoupper($lead->status) }} create mail
No Data
view more...
{{-- Consultant List --}} @if(count($consultants) > 0)

Recent Consultants List

@foreach($consultants as $consultant) @php $techs = ''; foreach ($consultant->technologies as $value) { $techs = $techs.' '.$technologies[$value->technology_id]; } @endphp @endforeach
Date Name Mobile Email Technologies Visa Type Status Creater Action
{{ Date::parse($consultant->created_at)->format(env('APP_DATE')) }} {{ ucwords($consultant->name) }} {{ $consultant->mobile }} {{ $consultant->email }} {{ Str::limit($techs, 15) }} {{ $consultant->visa_status }} {{ $statuses[$consultant->status] }} @if(isset($consultant->creater->name)) {{ ucwords($consultant->creater->name) }} @endif create mail
view more...
@endif {{-- Consultant Submissions --}} @if(count($submissions) > 0)

Recent Vendor Submissions

{{-- --}} @foreach($submissions as $list) @php $student = isset($list->vendor_submition->student)?$list->vendor_submition->student:(object)['si_no'=>'', 'email'=>'']; @endphp {{-- --}} @endforeach
IdDate Consultant Name Consultant Location Visa Status Job Title Vendor Company Name Job Status Actions
{{ $list->id }}{{ Date::parse($list->date)->format($date_format) }} {{ $list->vendor_submition->student->first_name or '--' }} {{ $list->vendor_submition->student->country_name or '' }} {{ $list->vendor_submition->student->city_name or '' }} {{ $list->vendor_submition->student->visa_status or '--' }} {{ $list->vendor_submition->job->job_title or '--' }} @if(isset($list->vendor->id)) {{ isset($list->vendor_company->vendor_company_name)?ucwords($list->vendor_company->vendor_company_name):'' }} @endif @if($list->status != 'joined') {{ $vendor_statuses[$list->status] }} @else Joined @endif
view more...
@endif {{-- Consultant Graph --}}
{!! Form::select('consultants_select', $statuses, null, ['class'=>'selectpicker get_graph_data', 'id'=>'consultants_type']) !!}
{!! Form::selectYear('consultants_joined_year', 1990, date('Y'), date('Y'), ['class'=>'selectpicker get_graph_data', 'id'=>'consultants_joined_year']) !!}
{{-- Recent Activities --}}

Recent Activities Session

    @if(count($latest_activities)>0) @foreach($latest_activities as $latest_activity)
  • {{ Date::parse($latest_activity['created_at'])->format($date_format) }}

    {{ $latest_activity['text'] }}

  • @endforeach @else
  • Hai

    A super small group of developers and I got together to design and build a new internal tool and saw an opportunity to do something more. Through that process, we saw ourselves build

  • @endif
{{-- Weather widgets --}}
{{-- Client Location --}}

States Wise Clients Map

{!! Form::select('map_data_type', ['clients'=>'Client', 'consultants' => 'Consultant'], 'consultants', ['class'=>'selectpicker', 'style'=>'width:100%;','id'=>'map_data_type']) !!}
Alternative content for the map
@include('includes.new-mail') {{-- Ends New Mail --}} {{-- Add Comment --}} @include('includes.new-comment') {{-- Ends Add Comment --}} {{-- Includes --}} {{-- @include('includes.date-range-script') --}} @include('includes.morris-graph') @include('includes.datepicker') {{-- MAP --}} @stop