@extends('layouts.default') @section('title', 'Dashboard') @section('content')
In Training
On Bench / Open Bench
In Job
Call Me Date | Student | Phone | Call Status | Actions | |
{{ date(env('APP_DATE'), strtotime($lead->callback_date)) }} | {{ $lead->consultant->name }} | {{ $lead->consultant->email }} | {{ $lead->consultant->mobile }} | {{ strtoupper($lead->status) }} | create mail |
No Data | |||||
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Date | Name | Mobile | Technologies | Visa Type | Status | Creater | Action | |
{{ Date::parse($consultant->created_at)->format(env('APP_DATE')) }} | {{ ucwords($consultant->name) }} | {{ $consultant->mobile }} | {{ $consultant->email }} | {{ Str::limit($techs, 15) }} | {{ $consultant->visa_status }} | {{ $statuses[$consultant->status] }} | @if(isset($consultant->creater->name)) {{ ucwords($consultant->creater->name) }} @endif | create mail |
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Id | --}}Date | Consultant Name | Consultant Location | Visa Status | Job Title | Vendor Company Name | Job Status | Actions | ||||
{{ $list->id }} | --}}{{ Date::parse($list->date)->format($date_format) }} | {{ $list->vendor_submition->student->first_name or '--' }} | {{ $list->vendor_submition->student->country_name or '' }} {{ $list->vendor_submition->student->city_name or '' }} | {{ $list->vendor_submition->student->visa_status or '--' }} | {{ $list->vendor_submition->job->job_title or '--' }} | @if(isset($list->vendor->id)) {{ isset($list->vendor_company->vendor_company_name)?ucwords($list->vendor_company->vendor_company_name):'' }} @endif | @if($list->status != 'joined') {{ $vendor_statuses[$list->status] }} @else Joined @endif | |||||
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{{ $latest_activity['text'] }}
A super small group of developers and I got together to design and build a new internal tool and saw an opportunity to do something more. Through that process, we saw ourselves build